![Katie as "Larry" in [title of show] at Los Altos Stage Company](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6510da8981531d4b1fc48b09/27a53af3-e6bb-44f6-b4ca-c8b8ec81c3e1/%5Btos%5D+TBA+photo.jpeg)

Arranging and Orchestrations
Because of my background in instrumental music, I have an in-depth understanding of most instruments and how to write for them. I have experience:
• Orchestrating two full scale musicals, COMING SOON and PERFECTLY IMPERFECT
• Reducing orchestrations and prepping sheet music
• Creating vocal and string arrangements in pop and musical theater settings
• Arranging for brass quintet, ska and rock bands
• 5 years playing violin in an orchestra
• 20 years playing trumpet in wind ensembles, orchestras, jazz bands, and ska/rock bands.
• 15 years playing in and leading pit orchestras ranging from solo piano, small rock combos to full orchestra
“In many ways, the biggest stars of the evening are the almost dozen musicians under the direction of Katie Coleman. Their music soars all night and literally never misses a beat.” - Talkin Broadway
“Incredibly enough, the music, which was originally performed by a 26-piece orchestra in the original 1979 Broadway production is covered brilliantly with only four pit musicians, led by Music director Katie Coleman. ” -BayAreaPlays.com
“Special kudos go to Coleman as the deadpan Larry, the show’s “fifth Beatle” and secret weapon.” - Mountain View Voice
“…pianist Katie Coleman was an absolute knock-out. The Sondheim score makes big demands of the pianist, and Coleman was great.” - Triviana.com
“Everything from chimes, bells, violins and cellos are included in this genre-bending, electrifying soundtrack. In comparison with the actors, it’s hard to ignore the music as it practically plays a lead role in Lizzie. From exclamations to cartoon-like pauses, the music acts as a quirky accompaniment to the pacing of the story.” - Metro
“The 13-piece orchestra, under music director Katie Coleman, did justice to Sondheim’s shimmering score…” - Stark Insider